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✨christmas activities to try!

Updated: Sep 16, 2021

Hey ! In today's post, I am going to give you some ideas on Christmas activities you should try to put yourself and others in that Christmas spirit and mood. If I am being honest these activities are probably the best part about Christmas because you can spend them with your family and friends and make the most of the season!

Listen to a Christmas playlist

I have created a Christmas playlist image which you can whip out at a Christmas party or whenever you want to and instantly be in a Christmas mood!

Watch some Christmas movies

This is definitely one of my favourite ones, my mum and I start watching Christmas movies around the middle of the year :))) There is just something about them that makes you so happy and excited for Christmastime. Here are some recommendations I created into an image that you must try! (they are all on Netflix)

Send and give some Christmas cards!

Where I live COVID restrictions have been drastically eased but I know they have not been in some other parts of the world. To pass some time and make someone's day brighter you could make some Christmas cards and post them to your friends and family or if it is safe for you to do so give them in person. To make it extra special you could throw in a candy cane, this Christmas card will remind that person you are thinking of them! How sweet!

Decorating and photos!

Decorate your house and room with some festive decor! Then, take some fun photos and share them with your family and friends who you want to connect with!

Donate and give back

Sometimes we don't realise that we are extremely privileged and we should always be giving back and donating to charities to support people who may be going through a rough time. There are so many places we can donate to and if you are able to you could even go to a shelter in person and volunteer to help out!

I hope you enjoyed this post and are now bursting with enthusiasm and excitement about the festivities to come!

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